Fans are worried about the group’s reputation.
ZEROBASEON the fans (ZEROSE) are screaming Let them see for using its artists to “advocate genocide.”
Many K-Pop artists and their companies have received criticism over the past year, as some have supported well-known brands with Israeli affiliations in the context of Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestine. This time, criticism is aimed at Russia, which many believe its violence against Ukraine amounts to genocide.
Russia just bombed Syria and Ukraine in the space of 48 hours.
— Kareem Rifai 🌐 (@KareemRifai) October 15, 2024
On October 18, ZEROBASEONE members published a video congratulating the Korean Embassy for the launch of its page on the Russian social network VKontakte.
WakeOne, are you serious??!!#WakeOneSupportsGenocide#RussiaIsATerroristState
— Lina (@linmkwo) October 18, 2024
Although VKontakte is a Facebook-like app available in a few other languages, it is naturally mostly used by Russian speakers. Some consider this social network as such “a center for spreading pro-Russian, anti-Ukrainian and separatist narratives.” It is reportedly supported by the Russian government and used for warfare purposes.
Not only do ZEROSE believe it is unethical to affiliate with the Russian app due to the country’s unjust violence towards Ukraine, but Russia is considered an ally of North Korea. Netizens are worried about how this alliance could affect South Korea. ZEROSE are particularly alarmed that ZEROBASEONE is being used in politics, especially in such a negative context, as it could affect their reputation as a global group.
ZERO reason for WakeOne to associate its artists with this. Did any other agency make a congratulatory video for the opening of the SK embassy on VK? If so, screw those agencies too. KJU literally calls Pvtin his comrade
WakeOne, stop using #ZEROBASEONE#WakeOneSupportsGenocide
– Monchyu 💪🦊 no qrt please tq (@gastricslut) October 20, 2024
ONLY IN: 🇰🇵🇷🇺 North Korean soldiers seen training in the field in Russia as they prepare to go to war in Ukraine.
According to reports, more than 12,000 North Korean soldiers, including special forces, have been deployed to fight alongside Russia. They are expected to be ready…
— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) October 18, 2024
Russia is preparing the North Korean military for war in Ukraine at four of its military training camps – see map.
Local sources.Much is known, most of it is confirmed, but Europe is silent and does nothing.
— Jürgen Nauditt 🇩🇪🇺🇦 (@jurgen_nauditt) October 18, 2024
Accordingly, ZEROSE calls on WAKEONE to “support” terrorism, while encouraging others to share this model and create posts with the following hashtags: #WakeOneSupportsGenocide, #RussialsATerroristState, #StopUsingArtistsinPolitics and #FVKWAKEONE. Many are also contacting WAKEONE directly and sending emails requesting that the controversial video be removed.
it’s ridiculous that in the great year 2024 wk1 decided to affiliate their artists with terrorism!
WakeOne, stop using #ZEROBASEONE#WakeOneSupportsGenocide#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopUsingArtistsInPolitics#FVKWAKEONE
— sunny (@chromesunnyart) October 19, 2024
WakeOne is using their artists to support genocide. This SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED and we do not support it.
Please spread these tags for Zerose awareness ‼️
WakeOne, stop using #ZEROBASEONE#WakeOneSupportsGenocide#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopUsingArtistsInPolitics
— ZB1 VOTING TEAM (@ZEROBASE1_VT) October 21, 2024
It is IMMORAL AND INHUMANE to support genocide and it is disgusting how W1 abuse their artists and use them as tools for the company’s political agenda.
WakeOne, stop using #ZEROBASEONE#WakeOneSupportsGenocide#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopUsingArtistsInPolitics
— Lisa (@lleeeeeeeeeeeee) October 21, 2024
At the time of writing, WAKEONE has yet to address the situation.