On February 19, Lee Jin-Ho uploaded a new video on his YouTube channel. Before clarifying the accusations, she expressed her condolences to the deceased actress Kim Sae-Se-Sign and the family in mourning.
As for the statement according to which her videos that reported the life of the actress when she was alive had contributed to her harassment, Lee Jin-I said, “This is an unfounded accusation. I have sufficient evidence to refute it, but considering the pain of the family in mourning, I decided to wait until the end of the funeral of Kim Sae-Sign to declare my position “.
Lee Jin-Ho underlined that the 4 videos on Kim Sae-So-So who has published in the last three years have been released after examining the content with the representatives of the actress agency. However, he set the videos on private after his disappearance to show his respect for the deceased actress.
To support his discussion, Lee Jin-Ho released a recording of a conversation he had with the Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se-Se-See-Sae agency, who had helped the actress to make her return after her scandal. Lee Jin-Ho said, “2 years ago, we agreed that, despite the past errors of Kim Sae Ron, we should at least help her survive. Should have the opportunity to do some work, even in the least ”, Adding that his videos had to correct the misunderstandings that surround Kim Sae-So-So that were spread from the media and reveal his struggles to the public.
The YouTuber stressed, “The manager was looking forward to Kim Sae-Se-Se and even suggested to me to organize an interview with the actress”, Adding that Kim Sae-Sore herself also knew that her manager was in contact with him.
Finally, Lee Jin-Ho criticized those who attacked him and crossed it mischievously for having published videos on Kim Sae-Sign in the past.