Initially, the gold medal, the agency that represents Kim Soo-Hyun, has strongly denied the items of appointments involving the actress Kim Sae-S. However, when new tests emerged, the agency was forced to change positions.
On March 10, after the family in mourning revealed the details on their relationship for the first time, the gold medal firmly rejected the accusations that:
- Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Sore had a relationship since he was 15 years old.
- The agency had unjustly manage Kim Sa-Se-See-Se-Se-Se-Sa-Se.
However, a few days later, on March 14, the gold medal officially recognized that Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Sore had actually been romantically involved. The agency said, “Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Ron dates back to the 2019 summer at the autumn of 2020, after becoming an adult.”
In addition, they said that all the photos released by the family in mourning through the controversial YouTube channel Garo Sero Institute (Garo Sero) had been taken after Kim Sae-Sign had turned 18.
As for a letter Kim Soo-Hyun presumably sent to Kim Sae-Sore in June 2018, while he was providing military service, where according to what reported, he wrote, “I miss you,” The agency clarified, “It was one of the letters that he sent to know closed.”
However, the Mourning family strongly contest these statements, calling them “false”. They say that the personal registers of Kim Sae-Sign indicate that he had had a relationship with Kim Soo-Hyun for about six years, since 2016 (when he was 16 years old) to 2021. Furthermore, they claim that his personal diary and other tests further support this chronology.
Did the “end” of the gold medal and the pressure of the debt contributed to his death?
The controversy surrounding the report of Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Se-Sa-Ron re-emerged in March last year, when Kim Sae-So-Se-Sa-Ron loaded himself with herself with Kim Soo-Hyun on Instagram, leading to renew the speculation of meetings. At the moment, Gold medal denied any romantic involvement, affirming, “The voices of appointments by Kim Soo-Hyun are unfounded. The photos circulating online were probably taken when they were in the same agency. We are not aware of the intentions of Kim Sae-Sign in publishing them. “ This denial was subsequently demonstrated false when the agency recently admitted that the two had come out.
However, this raises a critical question: why did Kim Sae-S chose to upload those photos?
Following his drunk driving accident on May 18, 2022, Kim Sae-Sign signed an agreement written with the gold medal on November 22, 2022 His car imported to the gold medal.
By March 15, 2023, the gold medal had intensified the situation by taking the Lkb & Partners high profile law firm to send a formal legal notice to Kim Sae-Se. The letter warned that the inability to respect the reimbursement expiration would entail a civil and criminal legal action.
This legal pressure seems to have caused a serious anguish for Kim Sae-Sign. Just four days later, on March 19, 2023, he sent a desperate message to Kim Soo-Hyun, “If I suddenly ask 700 million KRW (about 482,000 USD), I can’t really do it. Please save me. I’m imploring you. “ Kim Soo-Hyun did not answer.
So, on March 24, 2023, Kim Sae-Sign published a photo on Instagram showing herself and Kim Soo-Hyun who touched the cheeks, apparently an attempt to contact him. This has fueled further appointments.
However, Gold medal immediately issued another denial, “We don’t understand the intentions of Kim Sae-Sore.”
The following day, on March 25, 2023, the legal representatives of the gold medal contacted Kim Sae-S, stating, “We are contacting why he looks too worried and misunderstand our formal request. You can refund it in a reasonable period of time and a method, considering your circumstances. “
Despite this statement, the repeated public denials of the agency actually painted Kim Sae-Se-Sra “looking for attention”, a move that further damaged her reputation and intensified public criticism against her.
The Mourning Family believes that the “false” public statements of the gold medal and the financial pressure have contributed directly and indirectly to its tragic disappearance.
The declaration of the gold medal triggers further
As the controversy grew, the gold medal questioned the credibility of an individual who had spoken with the media as “Kim Sae -ron’s aunt”, stating, “This person is a friend of Kim Sa-Se-Se-Se-See, not a member of the verified family.”
This observation infuriated the family in mourning. They explained that Kim Sae-Se-Se-Sa-Sea had suffered from facial nerve paralysis due to the immense stress of his daughter’s death, making it difficult for her to commit herself in public statements.
Consequently, “A”, a woman who had taken care of Kim Sae-S since birth, spoke as “Aunt of Kim Sae-Sore” during the interviews, with the mother of the actress present. The mourning family stressed that Kim Sae-Sign had saved the contact of his daughter “to” in his phone as “cousin” and often turned to her for advice and emotional support. The two families had been close for over 20 years and Kim Sae-Sra always referred to “A” as “aunt”.
In addition, “A” was the first person Kim Sae-Sign confided his relationship with Kim Soo-Hyun, since he had been reluctant to tell his parents.
In response, the Mourning Family accused the gold medal of having launched a deliberate “messenger attack” to undermine their statements and further expressed their frustration for the management of the situation by the Agency.
“Let’s Talk” vs. “Sorry before” – controversy in progress
On March 15, the gold medal released another statement, claiming that Kim Soo-Hyun had also suffered from Gaseyeon’s relationships. They added, “The public dispute of the matter is not appropriate for the deceased or for his mother. We would like to provide an in -depth explanation. We would appreciate it if I could contact our office. “
However, the Mourning Family replied that they had no intention of meeting with the gold medal unless the agency had previously issued formal public excuses. In their latest statement, Kim Sae-Se-Se-See-out of their requests:
- Kim Soo-Hyun must recognize and apologize for attending Kim Sae-Sign for six years.
- The gold medal must apologize for having denied their relationship in the last three years.
- The gold medal must apologize for pressure on Kim Sae-S-RON to reimburse almost 7 billion KRW (about 4.9 million dollars) while he was struggling financially and emotionally.
For now, the dispute remains unresolved, with both parts standing on their positions. The dispute continues to feed the heated public debate, raising concerns about the dynamics of power in the entertainment sector, the mental health struggles between young celebrities and the responsibility of the main talents agencies.