TWICE’s Jihyo Reveals Her Firm Stance on Relationships: “I Would Leave a Cheater Immediately”

TWICE’s Jihyo Reveals Her Firm Stance on Relationships: “I Would Leave a Cheater Immediately”

On November 4, a video titled “Being leader twice feels like I’ll take 5 years off my life…” was posted on the “Naraesik” channel. The video featured TWICE leader Jihyo joining host Park Na-rae for a camping trip.

During the show, Park Na-rae mentioned Jihyo’s YouTube channel, “ootb Studio”, referring to her “tenant” concept and commenting: “Pensions are like jungles these days, aren’t they? So, when someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend says he or she is going to a boarding house, you have to oppose it.

In response, Jihyo firmly stated, “If they want to cheat, they will do it anyway. Throw them away immediately.” His no-nonsense attitude toward infidelity was evident.

Park Na-rae then asked: “If a guy makes a little mistake, would you stop him immediately? Wouldn’t you consider giving him another chance?” Jihyo replied, “Wouldn’t I lose all affection at that point? I believe that if someone wants to cheat, sooner or later they will. It’s better to end things quickly before you get more attached. His firm stance on relationships was clear.

He added, “Sure, it would hurt, but what can you do? Ultimately, life is meant to be lived alone.” showing a cold and trusting attitude towards unhealthy relationships.

Meanwhile, Jihyo had already attracted attention in April when rumors surfaced about her dating former skeleton athlete Yoon Sung-bin.

Source: Daum

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