Too young? The aged actor earns conflicting reactions for his new role of drama K

Too young? The aged actor earns conflicting reactions for his new role of drama K

Some spectators think that an older actor should have been chosen.

Some fans have difficulty suspending their disbelief for My dear NemesisA drama K that will air on February 17th. New Teaser photos have launched doubts about the male protagonist, played by the actor Choi Hyun Wook.

Moon Ga Young (Top) and Choi Hyun Wook (below) in “My Carissimo Nemesis”

My dear Nemesis it concerns the leader of the planning team of a department store (played by Moon G Young) Who discovers that his new boss (Choi Hyun Wook) is his first love. The two met while playing an online game 16 years ago. The k-drama is based on a webtoon naver of Yang Hye Jin.


On the webtoon, the character of Moon Ga Young started playing with the character of Choi Hyun Wook when he was a student in the third year high school. When he met him in person after the admission exams to college in 2005, he proved to be different from what he imagined. He was 19 years old (born in 1986) when they met, and was 16 years old (born in 1989), which means that they had a three -year gap and would have had about thirty years 16 years later.

Moon G Young is 28 years old, while Choi Hyun Wook has just turned 23 on January 30th, making him 22 years at the time of filming. If the k-drama is faithful to the webtoon, this means that Choi Hyun Wook is a decade younger than her character.


After seeing Choi “aged” in the new teaser photos of the show, some fans have expressed their doubts about his style and on the fact that it will be able to make his character or not.

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Some viewers have also underlined how younger this lining of ’02 seems (and is) compared to his co-protagonist of ’96, who has six years more than he in real life.

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Byu/Perochan from the discussion
Ink drama

Read more on the February K-Dramas here:

10 new k dramas to look at in February 2025 on Netflix, Disney+and more on

Source: Naver and Namuwiki

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