“These ungrateful”: Boyz face harsh criticisms from their fandom for a questionable fans’ behavior

“These ungrateful”: Boyz face harsh criticisms from their fandom for a questionable fans’ behavior

Korean fans of The boy I have enough, so it seems. Several tweets on the Idolo group have become viral X (former Twitter), all by calling Boyz members for theirs “ungrateful” Behavior to Fandom during Fansign events.

The boyz | @Theboyz_offll/x

User @zecxxxzThe most viral tweets – now with over 6.8 m of views – were one of the first to reveal the problem at hand:

The “Can’t Hold It in” accident in Boyz: during a fansign event, Boyz continued to get agitated and get up, saying that they had to go to the bathroom – like restless dogs that cannot find a good place to make poop, all because they didn’t want to spend time with the fangls.

– @Zecxxxz/x

Go to the bathroom? Of course, even the members of Boyz are human. So, of course they can. But during a fansign event where each fan has only one minute to speak? As soon as we arrived at the fan #50, they started getting up one by one and leaving the place until half of them disappeared. Then they returned about five minutes later. They are always the same members who go away, like Young, Hyunjaeetc. In fact, Hyunjae has left the event even the fastest. These Ingrai … I hope they reflect on what they have done.

– @Zecxxxz/x

So, a tweet from the user @cdisodkjchdhxh Images shared by the Fansign room …

| @cdisodkjchdhxh/x

… where only some of the 11 members of the group were sitting, interacting with the fans who participated in the event.

| @cdisodkjchdhxh/x

Another user, @1ovnueHe shared a video, also showing the places of the members left empty while the event was still ongoing. @1ovnue wrote, “At the beginning, I thought all Fansign events were like that.”

When the tweets have become viral, the hard criticism for a long time, the fans of Boyz (who said they had witnessed this behavior repeat more and several times) they poured.

In fact, I thought the Fansign was over.

– @Juyeonppang/X

These fans have affirmed the members of Boyz to mistreat and, ultimately, not “Assessment” Fans who show them support by presenting themselves to events. Some of the most disapprovant tweets got thousands of likes as they openly attacked Boyz members in the name of love.

Do you know what is the most frightening thing? When all fans’ accounts of the big name begin to publish really long tweets that are provided with a “show more”.

– @Mongsunims/X

I hope the Boyz remember that the BS are calling them not because we don’t like members, but because we want to see more on the stage. There are fans who write these messages with tears in the eyes, hoping for better communication. Nothing lasts forever, but creating something lasting is possible only when both sides work together.

– @Dallia0826/X

As the BS has become increasingly emotional than the tweets, the complaints have become more generalized, accumulating the members of Boyz for “He hates his fans.”

It seems that Boyz loves the idea of ​​the BS, but when it comes to spending time with every fan, they hate him.

– @ Jauu / X

I have always felt like this, but the boyz seems to need only the BS when it benefits them, for voting, winning prizes, obtaining approval agreements and returning. Outside that, they seem to recognize us at all … it makes me feel as if I were nothing. I have never seen a group of idol exploit their fans like this before. They are not just someone who can evoke every time you need support and expect to always be there to comfort you.

– @xxgangoz/x

If you’ve ever been to Boyz’s Fansign, 50,000,000% understand it. They always say they are busy, but listen. I also paid the ticket and found time to participate. Yet, by that hour, I slam the eyelids once and someone went to the bathroom. These bathroom breaks are long and members return only after a while. What, can’t they even keep it for an hour? Each fan scores, this happens. The only way I would apologize is if they had an explosive diarrhea and could not sit during the entire event, it doesn’t matter.

– @hj_716/x

I felt so more and more in time … they tell us that they love us so much, but their actions do not reflect it and it is really disappointing. There must be a reason why so many fans are saying the same things all at once. They have been in circulation for 7 years now, so they should be able to express worries with the company, but it seems that they are not doing it. All fans want is communication and seeing them more often, but it is frustrating when they don’t even want to do it. Yet do they want their fans to stick to everything? As an opportunity to see them decrease, who will remain and continue to support? Words are beautiful, but it would be nice if their actions combined. 🥹

– @Swyouthis/X

The boyz reduced the duration of the video call from 3 minutes to 2 minutes on the day of video calls, reduced the number of participants to 10 and even for the Polaroid, now it’s all by chance. Why did they become so reckless to fans?

– @Newmewo/X

In the midst of everyone, fans outside Korea expressed concern about the growing recourse, underlining the “unreasonableness” in condemning members for something minor like “Go to the bathroom” …

… however, a fan @Hj_716replied by publishing an image of a different full, the same “problem,” To highlight that this was presumably an ongoing problem for the Korean fandom.

For those who might think that we are inventing it all … (I took this photo on a day when I was really Noipe for this … it happens in almost all Fansign events.)

– @hj_716/x

Other K-Pop fans have also reacted to the outburst by the Boyz fandom, noting how the “walk out” It is truly an invisible show in several Fansign events.

Screenshot 2025-03-02 at 14.47.35
| Theqoo
  • “The fact that their fans have kept this under the compresses so far …? Real fans. The boyz must be the first in K-Pop’s story to get out of departure in the middle of a fan scores. “
  • “What?!! I have never heard of any idol group that left their fans before.”
  • “Seriously, though. I have never heard of this happening anywhere else. “
  • “A group of idol that leaves their fans in the middle of the event …? This is honestly the first for me. “
  • “I mean, I saw idols apologize quickly for the bathroom and return, but they would be very sorry for this. I have never seen half of the group to go out like this. “
  • “I usually do not receive content related to idol on social media, but suddenly I started seeing all these posts on the problems of Boyz’s bladder, so I had to look for it. Pure wow. “
  • “What are they doing out too?”
  • “The boyz again, huh? I have lost account of how many times I have heard of the problems of this group. “
  • “Wait, are we sure that they were not the members to finish the Fansign first? Go to the bathroom before the photo session? How did the idols start in the middle of their fansign event? “
  • “At this point, I must assume that they came out because they needed a smoke break.”

Meanwhile, Boyz has yet to face growing criticisms.

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