The show has had steady growth.
The last one SBS Romantic K-drama, Love Scoutsworked its magic on viewers within just a week of its airing. Despite any major promotion, the show achieved notable growth in the first three episodes. But it appears this climbing success may be in jeopardy due to a controversy surrounding its manufacturer.
Ham Jun Ho, the producer of Love Scoutshas recently been embroiled in a major scandal due to his past allegations of assault and defamation. On January 13, KST, the production team of Love Scoutsaddressed the allegations and confirmed that in 2020 he was charged with assault and defamation while under the influence.
The statement made it clear that Ham had “I sincerely apologized.” to all the victims and reached a settlement with them after they forgave him. After the incident, he was suspended by the company and did not return as director for three years.
The past Ham controversy has become a hot topic recently after a 2020 report by MBC News kiosk resurfaced online. Although the report did not name him, it identified him as the manufacturer of SBS “A”, along with some blurry photos which were enough for netizens to connect the dots. The report stated that Ham was arrested on the spot in Hannam for indiscriminately pouring soju on passers-by and assaulting them. Police requested an arrest warrant against him, citing his criminal record, but the prosecution denied the request.
THE Love Scouts the production team also clarified that the criminal record in question was a misdemeanor and was unrelated to the subsequent incident.
While the show’s ratings face a possible threat due to the Ham controversy, the plot itself has also significantly dampened audience interest after the latest episode. You can read more about it here.