The South Korean aeronautics fire two commanders after erroneously bombed a civil village

The South Korean aeronautics fire two commanders after erroneously bombed a civil village

They dropped eight big bombs on civilians.

According to reports, the South Korean aeronautics fired two officers after a terrible accident in which the aeronautics erroneously bombed a South Korean village, damaging civilian houses and injuring innocent people.

Mk82 bombs are falling outside the range of shooting during combined with live fire exercises, in Pocheon
A building damaged after the MK82 bombs fell from a Jet KF-16 to Pocheon | Kim Hong Ji/Reuters

The aeronautics established that the two officers, a colonel and a lieutenant colonel, did not fulfill their legal duties by neglecting the security protocol and supervision. Their actions were considered a “serious violation of duty” caused by the lack of supervision and correct management of the commands.

The accident occurred on March 6, around 10 in the morning, when two South Korean combat jets dropped a total of eight 500 pounds 82 bombs in a civilian area of ​​Pocheon, a village near the heavily militarized DMZ. It happened during a joint military drill between South Korea and the United States. According to the latest reports, 29 civilians were injured, while the area saw significant damage. It was said that four of the victims were in serious condition.

According to an initial investigation, the first pilot inserted incorrect coordinates and skipped a check step due to a printing error. Presumably he also falsely declared that he had visually confirmed the target position. Despite the use of the appropriate coordinates, the second driver followed the first pilot according to the format of the simultaneous attack drill.

Air Force is examining the qualifications of these two pilots to evaluate if they can continue to fly to jet. They also suspended all the fire exercises live until a complete probe is completed.

On March 10, KST, Lee Young Su, the head of the Air Force staff, publicly apologized to South Korean citizens, accepting his inability to protect civil life and property. He promised to prevent these accidents in the future and reassured that the affected civilians would be compensated and provided adequate support.

The head of the Korean Air Force Staff Lee Young on and the Air Force officials bow after delivery public apologies | Yonhap

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