The pieces of Chanel vintage by Jennie inherited from her mother Spark Buzz

The pieces of Chanel vintage by Jennie inherited from her mother Spark Buzz

Recently, Jennie appeared in the YouTube show “Study King Izzin Genius Hong Jin-Kyung”Where he opened on his love for Chanel and how his mother played a significant role in modeling his sense of fashion. “I was a child with a very firm style“He shared.”I fought a lot with my mother on clothes.“Now, as Chanel ambassador since 2018, he still wears his mother’s clothes, merging timeless elegance with his distinctive aspect.

Among the most discussed articles are a cashmere wool card However, due to his rarity, even dedicated fans who hope to replicate Jennie’s style are unfortunate.

Another prominent piece is a Boston Vintage Chanel bag, which Jennie frequently uses for the trip. The bag, known for its spacious design, currently has a price of 7.4 million krw in the resale market, but remains almost impossible to find due to the high demand.

Jennie vintage chanel pieces inherited from her mother

Jennie’s influence on fashion extends beyond the bags. Even a blue cultival top he once wore, a vintage chanel piece of the 90s, raised a sensation. Fans eager to buy the upper part were disappointed in finding it completely exhausted. In the same way, his shoulder bag of the lamb chain Matalse Chanel Vintage, evaluated to 5 million KRW, has also become an unattainable collector object.

Jennie vintage chanel pieces inherited from her mother

Fans expressed their admiration and envy on Jennie’s vintage wardrobe. They left comments like, “Even if I wanted to buy it, I can’t” “This is the fashion handed down through generations”, AND “I wish my mother had Chanel to give me.”

While Jennie continues to merge classic luxury with modern trends, it is clear that her unique style is not only well -kept is inherited.

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