The legendary actress Barbie Hsu SP i Mori 48 years old

The legendary actress Barbie Hsu SP i Mori 48 years old

He was 48 years old. It can rest in peace.

Actress Barbie HSUbetter known for his role in Meteoric gardenHe died at the age of 48.

In a declaration shared by his family, they confirmed his recent passage due to complications by pneumonia.

Thank you all for your concern! During the new lunar year, our family traveled to Japan. Unfortunately, our dear and kind sister, Xiyuan (the name of Barbie Hsu) died after contracting the influence and pneumonia.

I am grateful to have been able to be his sister throughout his life, taking care and accompanying me each other. I will always be grateful to you and I will miss you!

SHAN ~ (abbreviated nickname for Xiyuan) Take a safe journey! I will love you forever. Together he remembers forever.

– Barbie Hsu’s family

Before the confirmation of his sister, there were rumors that floated around the fact that a famous celebrity died in Japan as he was on vacation. The media at the time tried quickly to contact his family, but were left to read unanswered. However Wang XiaofeiHer ex -husband changed her photo of the black social media account profile, mentioning in a moment of mourning. Barbie HSU and her husband, DJ Koo (Koo Jun Yup) have recently been seen to Wang WeizhongDaughter Wang Lingmarriage.


In March 2022, Barbie Hsu and Dj Koo married. Initially he had come out between 1998 and 2000, but had been forced to break while his agency prohibited him from appointments. They rekindled their relationship after the divorce from Wang Xiaofei.

Directly from a drama K: the complete story behind the love story of bamboies hsu and dj koo

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