The latest version of BTS J-Hope receives fiery criticism from fans

The latest version of BTS J-Hope receives fiery criticism from fans

They called Bighit Music.

BTS‘S J-Hope He recently published the music video for his long -awaited song, “Sweet Dreams (feat. Miguell)”, but not all fans are fully satisfied.

J-Hope | @Umyyhope/Instagram

While the song was flooded with love and appreciation by fans and non -fan, some Armies have been sprouted from a specific detail in the music video: an artist of Ai accredited in his description.

As is understood at this moment, some scenes of the music video have been performed using the generative IA.

As a community of fans, Armys has largely opposed the use of AI in BTS projects, since many consider it a direct contradiction of the group’s artistic value. Many BTS members, including RM AND Jungkook, They also sharedly criticized the growing trend of the use of artificial generative intelligence in art.

BTS Jungkook concerns for the future of AI

So, many fans called Bighit Music for using the generative IA in the music video “Sweet Dreams” instead of taking a graphic artist to create the scenes in a traditional way, especially because a label of his stature has all the funds necessary to do it.

Another point of dispute for some fans was the involvement of Johnny Goldstein in the song. It is accredited as a writer, publisher, composer and more.

The reason why the disapproval of some fans for the Goldstein association with BTS is his controversial past as a former Israeli soldier and his continuous support for Zionism. A significant part of Armys and other Fandom Hybe has made a campaign to convince Hybe to give in by the managers and creative Zionists for over a year in light of the continuous attacks of annexation of Israel on Palestine.

This, however, is not the first time in the last few months in which a release of Hybe has been welcomed with resistance of fans for the involvement of Ai or creative Zionists. Read more about it here:

The teaser of the “master” of seventeen spark has turned on the debate on the use of the AI

Fans threaten Hybe for Zionist involvement in the new version of TXT


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