The original webtoon, created by Sini and Kwang Woon, has been serialized on Naver Webtoon every Friday since March 14, 2019 and continues to captivate readers to this day. The action drama follows Hosu, a rookie firefighter with the uncanny ability to see the future during moments of extreme tension, as he grows up saving the lives of citizens. Praised as a Naver Webtoon masterpiece, the work has earned acclaim for redefining the essence of selfless heroism.
What sets “1 Second” apart is its ability to blend fantasy elements with heartfelt messages. Incorporating supernatural abilities, the story highlights human limitations and the value of perseverance. The central theme – that saving lives does not require superhuman powers but human dedication – resonated deeply with readers.
The “1 Second” animation was co-produced over two years by EBS, Durufix and Studio N, a subsidiary of Naver Webtoon. Hybrid animation combines traditional 2D techniques with 3D effects, offering a visually immersive experience.
While the characters and dramatic narrative retain the charm of traditional 2D animation, the dynamic props, flame and smoke effects have been enhanced through 3D technology, increasing visual immersion.
In the context of growing societal interest in disaster response and security, the adaptation of “1 Second” into an animation holds special significance. The accessibility of the format amplifies the webtoon’s core messages about safety awareness and the value of human life, making them more impactful.
Staying true to the essence of the original, the 13-episode series delves into various aspects of firefighting, from putting out fires to saving lives and providing emergency medical aid.
The animation “1 Second” will premiere on November 24 at 10am on EBS 1TV and will air every Sunday at the same time.
Source: Daum