The founder of Hybe Bang Si Hyuk has exploded for the latest activities concerning Sseraphim

The founder of Hybe Bang Si Hyuk has exploded for the latest activities concerning Sseraphim

The Netizen thought it was selfish.

Hybe founder Hyuk Bang is criticized for his involvement in THE SerafimThe next exit.

Hyuk and Sserafim | @Hitmanb72/Instagram

Recently, the tracklist of Le Sserafim for their next mini-album HEAT has been released. International fans could not hide their excitement in seeing the list, which included members on the credits.

However, while the fans were extremely enthusiastic about the involvement of the members in the album, the Netizen Koreans shared concerns and criticisms against Bang Si Hyuk after noticing his name on the tail securities of many tracks.

| Theqoo

When the photo was published, the Netizen hit the name of the founder of Hybe on the credits, sharing that if he took care of Le Sserafim, he would remove his name and would not have been so public with his interactions, especially because of the bad image that the Netizen believe they have it. Some also hoped that fans would recognize that Bang yes Hyuk is one of the surnames and focus on foreign members and producers.

| Theqoo
  • “Bang yes Hyuk, take a step back, right? How can you be so unaware? If you really care about the artists, do not even take pictures with them and if you participate, at least not put your name on everything. TSK. “
  • “If you sincerely worry about Le Sserafim, then do a serious one, make a serious one.”
  • “Ugh, I had fun fighting because of some strange nitpick and fake comments. In any case, Bang Pd takes part as a manufacturer, so his name continues to be included in this way (which fans also find unbearable). But the main composers for each song are actually famous foreign producers and this time the members were also really involved. So I would appreciate it if people had recognized it.
| Theqoo
  • “Sigh, attention to attention.”
  • “Due to Bang Si Hyuk, I can’t stand even look more like a perfectly beautiful group.”
  • “Fans like this too? I feel that taking a step back as much as possible would be better for the team. “

Bang Si Hyuk has been at the center of the dispute and is apparently criticized by both Korean and international fans.

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