Ryu Sera, a former 9mus leader, revealed his wedding plans on social media with joy, sending fans in a delicious frenzy.

The announcement was made on his official Instagram account, with a splendid post on display his exquisite wedding photos that radiate love and happiness.

In his long but heartfelt caption, the singer “Dolls” expressed his gratitude to the fans and reflected on this new chapter of his life.

Ryu thanked the fans who have supported her over the years and happily revealed that she would finally settle down with her not famous boyfriend.

“From my debut so far, I want to sincerely thank all of you for supporting me through my glamorous moments and gloomy times,” Ryu shared.

“After thinking a lot, I decided to announce the news in public. I am getting married. I thought very much to reveal this and I was attentive since my future groom is a non -celebrity.”

“I thought I would have nothing to do with the wedding, but when my thoughts of becoming a more mature person became intense, I decided to settle for me,” he wrote.

“I expect this update will make people lift more than surprised. Thanks to everyone for being the driving force of my life and having done it for me, which is anxious and lacking. This year I planned new things apart from my wedding.

“I will live in a truthful and brave way,” he added.