On March 17th, an old photo of Kim Sae-Sore and a man were presumed to be Kim Soo-Hyun standing in front of an elevator of apartments started circulating online. This photo was originally uploaded to social media on 23 June 2017.
On the same day, the YouTube channel Garo Sero Research Institute (Gaseyeon) commented on the photo, stating: “Criminal Trash Kim Soo-Hyun must also explain this photo. It was loaded on Instagram on June 23, 2017, when Kim Sae-Sore was a high school and even minor serial number. Since the photo shows them to wear winter clothes, it must have been taken even before, which means that it was probably still in middle school when it was taken. “
They continued: “The account that uploaded the photo seems to be a Kim Sa-Se-Se-See-Based account account. This account also has several Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se-Sa-See’s home videos with her family. The photo was taken in the apartment in which Kim Sae-S’ve lived with his family. His surviving family members also confirmed this. “
According to Gaseyeon, “Kim Soo-Hyun was a frequent visitor to that apartment. Presumably he met Kim Sae-Sign in secret when his family was out. His family opposed their relationship due to the age difference, but Kim Soo-Hyun approached persistently despite being a minor. “
They also stressed: “That red puffer jacket seems familiar, isn’t it? It seems to be the same red jacket that Kim Soo-Hyun was seen wearing with a JDC hat in another photo. “
Later, during a live broadcast, Gaseyeon reiterated the statements, stating: “The family of Kim Sae-Sore confirmed that the man in the photo is really Kim Soo-Hyun. When Kim Sae-Sign was a middle school and high school student, he lived with her family, but when her parents were not at home, Kim Soo-Hyun visited her home for private encounters. “
Kim Sae-Sign was found deceased at his house in Seongsu-Dong, Seongong -gu, Seoul, at around 16:45 on February 16, which was Kim Soo-Hyun’s birthday. He was 25 years old.