The actress known for her slender figure reveals how heavier she weighed

The actress known for her slender figure reveals how heavier she weighed

“Now, I’m forever trying to keep it out …”

After his 2024 K film, Face hiddenpreviewed between high anticipation, actress Park Ji Hyun He received the spotlight, not only for his impressive acting in the film, but also for his most daring sex scenes.

Actress Park Ji Hyun in “hidden sale” | Study and new

During a previous interview, Park briefly mentioned training regularly to give life to his character …

… since then he has revealed the actual quantity of work that went to reach his streamlined figure. In the last episode of Singer Sung yes kyung‘S YouTube The show, “Let’s Meet”, explained that he did not see too many episodes of his other show, “Let’s Eat”. The actress explained that, since she works constantly to lose weight, it arises from looking at Mukbang content.

In reality I have not seen too many episodes of “let’s eat” because I always try to lose weight.

– Park Ji Hyun

Park therefore revealed that, over 20 years, it was from the heaviest side to about 176 pounds (80 kilograms), mainly due to the Chapagetti instant Noodles.

Korean “chapagetti” instant noodles. | Bizwatch

Sung yes kyung: Oh! I think I read somewhere that you were …

Park Ji Hyun: Yes, I was heavier. I lost a lot of weight. Now, I’m forever trying to keep it out.

Sung yes kyung: How much did you use to weigh?

Park Ji Hyun: About 172 pounds (78 kilograms) … I think I hit 176 pounds (80 kilograms) once.

Sung yes kyung: Truly?! How long ago was this?

Park Ji Hyun: When I was just over 20 years old.

Sung yes kyung: So when were you in college?

Park Ji Hyun: Yes.

Noting how grateful it would be for a role that would require them “Bigger”, (So ​​he could eat to the desire of his heart), Park Ji Hyun said he has now learned the know-how behind the weight of spreading, according to how long it has passed since he lost almost 66 kilos (30 kilograms) and it He has successfully kept off – and it is not too difficult for her to keep her figure.

Sung yes kyung: We should have met then.

Park Ji Hyun: I would have eaten everything here. I mean … definitely I can still.

Sung yes kyung: How many Ramyun Packages can you eat in one session?

Park Ji Hyun: So I really like it Chapagetti more than Ramyun. I was able to eat up to six in one session.

Sung yes kyung: Was it before weight loss? How about now?

Park Ji Hyun: Now, if he lets me go and I really go there, I can still eat three to four.

Sung yes kyung: So do you constantly hold the desire to eat?

Park Ji Hyun: Well … now I’m used to it.

Fans found his transformation fascinating:

Screenshot 2025-02-08 at 17.39.42
| Theqoo
  • “Oh, Daebak.
  • “Whoa …”
  • “Oh, damn. So he really has to work to keep him out. “
  • “How did you lose all the weight?!”
  • “Six ChapagettiS? It is impressive. How is the impulse fighting? “
  • “This is truly incredible.”
  • “I was able to do three ChapagettiS. you are crazy. “
  • “How does it keep it out? He has my respect. “

In 2025, Park Ji Hyun has already starred in a K-Movie comedy Forbidden fairy taleand is confirmed to act in a Netflix K-drama, You and everything elsenext to the actress Kim Go Eun. Given her diligence and dedication, the actress is ready to grow superstard!

Read more on the controversial scene of Park Ji Hyun here:

The nascent actress gets on her full sex scene, including what her parents thought

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