The 4th generation of Idolo generation have their heads in live streaming – shocking its members

The 4th generation of Idolo generation have their heads in live streaming – shocking its members

Following their passage to Hundredwas announced The boy‘S Sangyeon He would start his military enlist on March 17th.

The Boyz’s Sangyone | Hundred

The idol is the first of the group to start the service, so the fans were extremely emotional for the ad. Sangyeon is also the leader of Boyz, making this moment even more emotional.

Before his enrollment, Sangyeon and the members of the group held a live streaming, where they greeted fans for the last time as eleven for the near future.

During the live streaming, however, Sangyeon managed to shock not only fans, but also the members.

Before enlisting, the men who need us will usually shave their heads in advance, something that fans are looking forward to.

Jaehyun of NCT | @_Jeongjaehyun/Instagram

It was clear that the members had to cut Sangyeon’s hair during live streaming, with Juyeon that started the process. However, at some point Sangyeon shocked everyone starting very calmly to shave his head.

The members finished the work for him, leaving him ready. Sangyeon also seemed very nice with his Buzzcut, which concentrated even more on his splendid visual elements.

As you can imagine, the fans found this moment very emotional, reacting to its imminent enrollment in ways similar to the initial announcement.

Serve well and safely, Sangyeon!

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