On January 24, ahead of the release of her film “Black Nuns,” Song Hye-Kyo made a flurry of appearances on various TV shows. He broke his mystique by appearing not only on popular variety shows like TVN’s “You Quiz on the Block” but also on web entertainment platforms like “Fata Jaehyung.” On her close friend Kang Min-Kyung’s YouTube channel, Song Hye-Kyo shared her daily life, significantly increasing her public approval. Her honest speeches and long-lasting beauty have received positive responses, especially after her career revival in 2023 with Netflix’s “The Glory.”
Actor divorced from Song Hye-Kyo Song Joong-Ki in 2019 after two years of marriage. Since both were Hallyu stars, their split attracted a lot of attention, but now they are focused on overcoming difficulties and focusing on their careers.
In contrast, Goo Hye-Sun, who divorced Ahn Jae-Hyun in the same year, has not appeared in dramas like she used to. Instead, she branched out into various fields, directing films and continuing her studies in science journalism at Kaist.
However, his public image remains less favorable. His divorce was marked by public revelations, which left a bitter aftertaste among many. Recently, Goo Hye-Sun faced criticism after wearing a hat during the taping of MBC’s “Star Radio.” She explained that she couldn’t wash her hair due to a broken boiler and although the producer asked her to remove her hat, she refused. This explanation sparked further criticism, with netizens labeling his actions as inappropriate. Goo Hye-Sun responded by defending her actions, saying she valued her freedom.