During the ninth episode, which aired on October 26 on Coupang Play, the show presented a parody of “Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born“, which attracted criticism. In the skit, comedian Ahn Young-mi took on the role of “Yoon Jeong Nyeon” but changed the character’s name to a provocative and unrelated term, “Jeot Nyeoni”.
Ahn Young-mi sang the opening verse of the traditional Korean pansori Love song“Come here and let’s have fun,” but changed the lyrics to “Come here, let’s do it naked,” accompanied by suggestive gestures intended to elicit laughter.
The parody intensified when Jeong Yi-rang, interrupting Ahn Young-mi’s pansori, said, “Stop. Just looking at it makes me feel like I could get pregnant. This could help with birth policy,” a line that drew significant criticism from viewers, further fueling the controversy.
“Jeongnyeon: The star is born” is a drama that tells the story of a woman who overcomes difficulties in a time when the social status of women was low, pursuing her dreams through traditional Korean theater. Changing the protagonist’s name to “Jeot” (a term breast-related slang) and using phrases such as “I might get pregnant” were perceived as mockery rather than parody, leading to widespread backlash.
Netizens who saw the segment criticized the skit, saying: “This is not satire; it’s a joke,” “They really had to do a parody Jeongnyeon: The star is born so cruelly?” and “That’s really low class.”
Meanwhile, it’s not the first time.”SNL Korea Season 6″ he was accused of crossing the line. The show previously faced criticism for its parodies of author Han Kang and NewJeans member Hanni, but has remained silent on the controversies.
Source: Xsports News