Smenirtainment hit with a backlash of all the fandoms of its groups after the last announcement

Smenirtainment hit with a backlash of all the fandoms of its groups after the last announcement

“I never asked for this …”

Smeniorinment He was hit by a repercussions of all the fandoms of his groups after their recent announcement.

Sm Entertainment Building | Herald

On March 21, SM made fun of a new “Tok Light” which seemed to be a new version of the Lightstick which apparently would have simplified the use of concerts, especially if you were turning. There weren’t many details but it aroused enormous reactions.

However, when the post has been shared, international fans did not seem affected by the new advertisement of Sm Entertainment. In particular, fans of all the fandoms shared their anger on the fact that the company spent time on this, but neglecting their current idols, including their quarrels and other problems.

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