On October 2, Seonkyong Longest posted 2 photos on her Instagram Stories, which captured the hate comments aimed at her on YouTube, calling it cyber bullying. In one photo, he wrote: “This isn’t even the worst. I’m still getting comments like this non-stop since last Tuesday. So far there are over 8000 in just one video.“
She said in another photo: “Oh, I also went on Instagram. You can see all this in my “Korean Pickled Cucumber” video, the video right before the most recent one (onion salad recipe).“
In the captures, Korean netizens spread malicious comments such as “*OH. I see why. Your mother taught you that way, huh? LOL. Well, in that case there’s nothing you can do… It’s not your fault” and “Let’s find a way to die comfortably. Truly a betrayal of human decency, shaking his head. It will also ruin three generations of your family, haha.“One netizen even mocked Seonkyong Longest as a”black-haired stranger,” referring to the US citizenship she acquired after marrying her American husband.
Seonkyong Longest is now one of the most controversial contestants on “Culinary Class Wars” due to her lack of teamwork on the show.
Source: money today