RIIZE’s Anton “pissed off” as fans chase group and fight bodyguards

RIIZE’s Anton “pissed off” as fans chase group and fight bodyguards

“Anton’s face says it all.”

Some recent incidents involving RIIZE and fans who got too close attracted attention online.

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RIIZE recently went to Shanghai for a fan signing event. The group’s arrival has already attracted attention, as they allegedly used a private exit to avoid the crowds of fans.

After that, the group was able to successfully organize their own fansign events, where fans believe that the idols made OT7 hand gestures. RIIZE currently has six members following Seunghan’s departure and fans were quick to take note of any possible references.

RIIZE members supposedly perform OT7 hand gestures during Fansign

Since then, several videos showing fans allegedly stalking and following the group have attracted attention online.

First, a clip of several fans following RIIZE too closely was reposted on X. In more than one clip, fans commented on Anton’s appearance, saying he looked “pissed off” about the situation.

The second, more dangerous situation seems to concern the group’s arrival at the hotel. In a video shared from what appears to be the entrance to a private garage, fans are shown charging bodyguards to approach the group.

Anton can be seen unmasked in a video posted by fans, looking similar to the one previously mentioned.

Fans commented on these clips, discussing the constant invasions of privacy and how the members must feel.

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