“Raw and Deep Juseyo” – Kard’s BM has somehow left without words from NSFW comments, Lowkey boasts on his sexual skill

“Raw and Deep Juseyo” – Kard’s BM has somehow left without words from NSFW comments, Lowkey boasts on his sexual skill

One of Buzzfeed’s most popular video content is theirs Celebrities read thirsty tweets. As the title suggests, the celebrities are brought to the channel to read tweets and fans’ comments on the NSFW side.

Many k-pop idols have now appeared in the series but generally they have had less “intense” tweets than the western stars.

Wonho | Buzzfeed

This, however, was not the case BM cardRecent episode!

BM is known to be more open than normal and well -, more “strange” idol, as described by fans.

BM’s BM | Media DSP

However, in his last content of thirst, the comments left him (briefly) speechless!

Since the start of the video, it was clear that the included tweets would be more intense. The first tweet – “Raw and Deep Juseyo” – made BM laugh and comment on the use of Korean in the tweet.

Some other prominent comments include a fan who asks BM to put “extra thumbs in me” in me, to whom he says he has almost given an accurate number of inch …

… and a fan who asks BM to “put me like a pair of sunglasses, one leg above every ear” and he replies that “he worries him at all about that position”.

He became a little shy at some point when two tweets from those who seem to be the same person left him speechless.

He did not last long, however, since he played his horn a little later, saying that he was proud of the skills that showed a specific image.

You can watch the full video below!


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