Popular ‘Single’s Inferno 4’ contestant believed to have been overlooked due to ‘colorism’

Popular ‘Single’s Inferno 4’ contestant believed to have been overlooked due to ‘colorism’

Netizens believe in a popular Singles Hell 4 the contestant seems to be overlooked due to “colorism”.

Poster of “Single’s Inferno 4” | Netflix

A fan favorite is the contestant Bae Ji Yeon.

Bae Ji Yeon | Netflix

While guest Dex he seemed “impressed” by Ji Yeon…

Dex hit by ‘Single’s Inferno 4’ contestant due to her resemblance to TWICE’s Sana

Netizens discussed Ji Yeon’s treatment on the show, including a scene where the contestant ate alone.

Justice for Ji-yeon 💖. His eating alone in hell pissed me off 🥺
byu/Echopersonal inSinglesinferno2

byu/Echopersonal from the discussion

byu/Echopersonal from the discussion

In particular, netizens noticed Ji Yeon’s interactions with the rest of the cast and the “lack” of interest from the male contestants.

On social media, netizens shared their belief that this was due to colorism.

Being “pale” is seen as a beauty standard in Korea, and netizens pointed out that Ji Yeon apparently didn’t fit that strict standard, even though she is beautiful. Netizens shared their anger that since Ji Yeon might not have looked the same as other contestants, she was not receiving the same attention and treatment.


Because the same thing happened to Sejeong in season 2 uhm…she never went to heaven when she was beautiful and cute!! Korea is so weird with tanned skin… (she’s the only one who even has a jawline, I’m just saying 🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️) #singleinferno #singleinferno4 #singleinfernoseason4 #jiyeon #singleinfernonetflix # datingshow #datingshowkorea #netflixcorea #fyp #fyppp #foryou #foryoupage #xyzabc

♬ glue song – ・❥・

byu/Echopersonal from the discussion

byu/Echopersonal from the discussion

You can read more about the ongoing problem with beauty standards and Single’s Hell under.

Does Netflix’s ‘Single’s Inferno’ Promote Harmful Korean Beauty Standards?

Single’s Hell

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