The Netizen were shocked!
It seems Jyj’s Jaejoong He will be the first idol grandfather!
Recently, he published a photo on social media revealing some exciting news to fans.
My nephew’s family conceived a new life! In ten months I will become a grandfather! First grandfather idol.
– Jaejoong
While most Netizen agrees on the fact that it is probably not the first, they agreed that it would be the first nice idol grandfather.
The Netizen could not believe someone with such images that was already becoming a grandfather.
- “We have to call such a beautiful grandfather .. (I’m joking).”
- “What? Congratulations!”
Some also wondered how he was becoming a grandfather.
- “He has eight older sisters …”
- “Is it because the son of his second older sister got married and has a son?”
- “The son of his second older sister …”
- “What’s the relationship? I don’t understand.”
- “He has a great age gap with his sisters.”
- “He is the son of his older sister’s son.”
While some felt that the “grandfather” was the wrong term, the international netizen agreed on the fact that most of the Asian countries used the same term for everyone.
Congratulations to Jaejoong!