Popular Idol shares the first look at the splendid wedding photos with her boyfriend

Popular Idol shares the first look at the splendid wedding photos with her boyfriend

Congratulations to the happy couple!

In February, it was announced Tare‘S Hyomi It would marry, according to reports in April.

Hyomi di T-Ara

The idol has recently shared the images of his wedding photo shoot with his boyfriend not celebrities, some of the first images of him he published. On March 13, Hyomin shared two posts containing wedding themed images. The photos were mainly of Hyomin, showing it that he wore different wedding dresses.

| @Hyominnn/Instagram
| @Hyominnn/Instagram
| @Hyominnn/Instagram

Some of the images also included Hyomin’s boyfriend. Although his face was partially covered, the love between the two was clear in the photos.

| @Hyominnn/Instagram
| @Hyominnn/Instagram
| @Hyominnn/Instagram

Hyomin also included a caption that her future husband asked her to write, joking that he did not consider himself a “beautiful” man.

I met a man who may not be a Hunnam (beautiful boy), but in my eyes, he is truly wonderful and now we are preparing for our wedding.

As we prepare, I realize once again how grateful I am for those who have loved and supported me for all this time. Thanks from the deep of my heart to all those who have been interested in my personal information and have sent their congratulations. I also want to promise my fans that my gratitude will never change for you.

I will continue to live diligently and sincerely like Park Sun-Young.

(The first sentence was something that my boyfriend asked me to include. It seems that he felt a little under pressure from all the articles that call him a “Hunnam”! 😊 The big day is really around the corner now … please send us your warm wishes! ♡)

– Hyomin

Hyomin made his debut as a member of T-Ara in 2009 and made his debut actor the following year.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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