[Pann] “The latest dietary update of IVE Liz”

[Pann] “The latest dietary update of IVE Liz”

Wow, look at today’s appearance!


To me, in my opinion, Liz is the thinnest member of Ive.

Liz ive
Liz ive
Liz ive
Liz ive

Original post: here


1. There is a reason why the spaceship included her in Annnyoungz (Jang Won-Young and a name of Yu-Jin Duo) and promoted the three towers (nickname given to Won-Young, Yu-Jin and Liz in Ive) at debut-lei is seriously beautiful.

2. Honestly, Liz is the most beautiful of Ive.

3. Before the debut, it was even thinner than that. On the other hand, Jang Won-Young, who eats naturally very slowly, has lost a lot of weight at some point due to extreme control but later recovered it. Some people increase in weight under stress, while others lose it.

4. Liz seems to be successful as a solo artist even if he leaves the group in the future. Her voice seems incredible in the recordings, and she has everything: natural beauty, high height and fantastic voices. It is rare to have all three, but it is the perfect package.

5 Gaeul, the shortest, also has surprising proportions.

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