Openly gay idol HOLLAND announces hiatus and reveals struggles with debt

Openly gay idol HOLLAND announces hiatus and reveals struggles with debt

He promises to return with music one day.

Openly gay and independent K-Pop idol HOLLAND announced it may be entering a hiatus due to “huge debt.”


HOLLAND, who made his debut on January 22, 2018, with the digital single “Neverland,” posted a statement on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), along with a screenshot of a recording titled “Holland – self pietying.” He explained that he was unable to make a profit due to the Coronavirus pandemic. His agency went bankrupt, leaving him with a “huge debt”.

to be honest, I haven’t made a profit since covid.
when my company went bankrupt, I found myself in huge debt.


| @HOLLAND_vvv/X

Although HOLLAND has worked hard to provide content and music to his fans, he fears he may not be able to pursue his music career for some time.

I’ve been working hard since then, but it looks like I won’t be able to continue my music career for a while.
I’m really sorry to share this news with you, who have always waited for me.


| @HOLLAND_vvv/X

However, HOLLAND stressed that this is not the end. He will continue to work hard to return, even if it takes time.

but I will keep trying to return.
my situation has pushed me to the edge, but I’m trying my best to stay strong and not run away.

I want to be loved again by many people.
it will take incredible effort and I will have to fix my broken state.
it will take a long time, but if you continue to remember me, know that I am always here by your side.

I love you.


| @HOLLAND_vvv/X

HOLLAND fans commented their support on his post, encouraging him to take all the time he needs. Some even wondered if they could raise money to help him.

Screenshot taken 12-16-2024 at 12:46:09

Screenshot dated 12-16-2024 at 12:45:59

HOLLAND had previously released the sixth digital single, “He dice (bitch he’s mine)”, on October 23, 2024.

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