They will not give up.
March 7, NJZ (Newjeans) He participated in the first round of questions for their case against I love.
This interrogation session discussed the legal dispute regarding the contractual state of the group with Ador.
Njz (Newjeans) members appear in court for the first round of interrogations compared to Ador
During the session, Ador said that Njz’s success was due to Hybe₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ $ 21.0 billion of KRW
Ador says that Njz’s success (Newjeans) is due to Hybe’s KRW investment
Njz also said Hybe intentionally tried to damage his reputation. During the session, they mentioned the Jeju plane crash last year.
“At the time, the members tried to wear commemorative ribbons on stage in Japan, but Hybe blocked them, saying that it could cause a problem with the Japanese transmission station.
However, after confirming with the Japanese transmission station, they revealed that there was no problem. In the end, Hanni quickly had ribbons before going on stage. “
– Njz
They later saw that other artists Hybe wore commemorative tapes.
Subsequently, we saw other Hybe artists wear commemorative ribbons. If the debtors had listened to the creditors, we would have been a critical goal. This is proof that creditors are damaging the debtor’s reputation behind them.
– Njz
In the meantime, the legal controversy between Ador and Njz continues while Ador is based on their position that their contract is valid and that Njz has violated the contract through rebranding.