Njz Fandom Bunnies express disappointment for the court sentence: “We will remain in Njz until the end”

Njz Fandom Bunnies express disappointment for the court sentence: “We will remain in Njz until the end”

Newjeans Instagram update

On March 21, the Court pronounced in favor of Ador in their case of injunction against Newjeans, thus prohibiting the women’s group and its members to pursue independent activities. In response, the Newjeans member has released an official declaration, claiming that they will present an object.

Subsequently, the women’s group updated their Instagram stories (through the “NJz_offial” account with 5 emojis that symbolize 5 Newjeans members, together with the infinite and biceps emojis, which symbolize “infinite strength”. They also published another story with the symbol of infinity, a symbol of the heart and a symbol of the rabbit, as if to say “We love the bunnies forever (name of the Fandom)”.

Official statement of the bunnies

In the meantime, on the same day, Bunnies has released an official declaration, expressing their disappointment for the court sentence and transmitting their constant support to NJZ members.

Bunnies of the Newjeans team

Below is the complete declaration of Bunnies:

“We, Njz’s fans (Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin and Hyein), we express great disappointment and concern for the decision of the Court to support Adr’s injunction request.

As a fan who attended the inhuman treatment of Hybe and Ador and serious violations of the rights of the members, we find deeply sorry that the Court has established that these violations were not sufficiently proven. We hope that the truth will be revealed during the appeal process and the main cause.

We send love and encrullable love and encouragement to members, who are going through an unimaginably difficult moment. Regardless of what is happening, the link between the bunnies and Njz (Newjeans) will remain strong and we will remain until the end. “

With the legal battle still in progress, the bunnies have clarified that their support for Njz will not falter while the group continues to fight for independence.

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