Previously, on January 8, NewJeans’ Haerin posted several photos on the “jeanzforfree” Instagram account, run by NewJeans members themselves. The female idol also added the caption, “A little look back at the end of the year. Next time I will publish some landscape photos.”
Haerin’s photos mostly showed only herself, with the exception of one image of two polaroids taken with all the members of NewJeans. However, in this photo, Minji’s face has been “censored” with what appears to be black marker, while the other members have not.
After noticing this, many netizens deemed it inappropriate, even speculating about a possible conflict between the group. However, some defend Haerin, explaining that the female idol was probably “getting revenge” on Minji, who used to put a sticker on Haerin’s face in a photo.
Below are some comments from netizens:
- Posting this is basically a call to get attacked. What is that supposed to mean?
- It is simply inappropriate to post group photos with only one member attracted. It’s not even that Minji makes bad faces
- Is this HYBE working to sabotage NewJeans again?
- There are many pictures of the group with all 5 members. Why end the year with a post like this?
- The rumors of conflict are ridiculous. Haerin is simply taking revenge. They act like real close friends