Moon So-Ri’s mother revealed that she was Kim’s grandmother Soo-Hyun in “Queen of Tears”!

Moon So-Ri’s mother revealed that she was Kim’s grandmother Soo-Hyun in “Queen of Tears”!

In the episode of 19 March of Tvn Tuiz on the block (Ep. 285), Moon so-dei and his mother, Lee Hyang -ran, have made a guest aspect and shared stories heard on their lives.

Recently, Moon So-Ri has attracted attention for playing Oh Ae-Sun (born in 1951) in Netflix When life gives you mandarins. He revealed that this character was deeply inspired by his mother, Lee Hyang -ran (born in 1952). “Reading the story of AE-Sun reminded me so much of my mother. He married soon, he devoted his life to raise his children and never gave up his dreams. When I read the script, I torn,“Moon So-Ri shared.

The struggles and sacrifices of Lee Hyang -ran

Lee Hyang -ran told the various works he had to do to support his family, from the management of a toast stall to the management of a food trolley. “So, I had to fight to survive. I had no other choice“He remembered emotionally. He also shared as his mother said once, ‘You have dedicated your whole life to breeding your children. You did well. Those words provided them with great comfort.

Moon So-Ri also remembered how her mother took care to prepare her school lunches. “I was fragile and a demanding eaten. My mother has always made an extra effort to make my lunchs, even more than those of my younger brother. He would put the sockets from two to three lunch a day, together with extra fruits“She said.

However, their family also faced serious financial difficulties. “My husband’s activity failed and was even scammed. When I opened my stall for the first time, people asked: “Don’t you have a husband?”“Lee Hyang -ran recalled.”Despite her bad health, my husband worked as a taxi driver during the day and contributed to the food stable at night. We barely slept 3-4 hours a day, but at the time I thought even feeling tired was a luxury.

A delayed acting career and cameo “queen of tears”

Surprisingly, Lee Hyang -ran appeared in about 20-30 projects. One of his most spoken roles was in Queen of tearsWhere he played Kim Soo-Hyun’s grandmother. Moon So-Ri revealed humorously, “There is a scene in the drama in which the grandmother’s funeral takes place. The portrait on the altar? That was my mother’s face!

Moon so -ri Mother Kim Soo Hyun Queen of Tears

Not only did he appear in a commemorative photo, but also filmed a flashback scene in a set in Paju, where he played a rich woman. “It was the first time I wore a makeup and an elegant dress for a role. Seeing my name on the door of the waiting room was surreal and exciting,“He said.

However, that scene was finally cut during the assembly process. Moon So-Ri joked, “We were all thrilled to see my mother on national TV, even saying: “This is your great break!” But in the end, he didn’t air. However, my mother did not give up her dream of making her debut on TV!

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