Military propaganda? The “MAMA Awards 2024” trigger a heated debate

Military propaganda? The “MAMA Awards 2024” trigger a heated debate

On November 23, Mnet held on the third and final day of MAMA Awards 2024 at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan. This was the final night of the awards ceremony, which brought great victories to the best K-Pop artists in the world.

There were many iconic moments over the three nights, from a BIGBANG reunion to Bruno Mars’ “Korean talk”. There was another moment in between TXT‘S Hueningkai and a robotic dog, as he politely greeted him when he went on stage to accept an award with his members.

Screenshot dated 11-25-2024 at 16:26:51

The video has gone viral with 436.4K views as of this writing, with many complimenting Hueningkai’s sweet personality. However, many were disappointed with the robotic dog, claiming that these types of robot dogs are used as “weapons of war”. Robot dogs are known to be deployed in the Middle East and other regions with guns mounted on them during wars and used to “gather intelligence” and monitor troops in war zones.

Some netizens believed that including the robot dogs was military propaganda intended to desensitize viewers.

While robotic dogs were present throughout the awards show, including during artists’ performances, Hueningkai’s clip in particular garnered the most backlash.

THE Independent he wrote, “The IDF reportedly deployed robot dogs equipped with aerial drones earlier this year.” Netizens are increasingly alarmed by the dystopian world we live in, as genocides are taking place across the globe.

Screenshot dated 11-25-2024 at 16:29:49
| Independent
Screenshot dated 25-11-2024 at 16:30:05
| Independent

On the other hand, some netizens said that this robotic dog in particular is not a weapon of war but Spot, a robot dog made by Boston dynamics. Like almost everything, robot dogs can be used for good but they can also be used for evil. The National Institutes of Health has called robot dogs “Promising technological interventions that can bring benefits to the psychosocial health of the elderly and people with dementia”.

As a dynamic detection platform, Spot provides valuable insights into routine operations, site health, or potentially hazardous situations. With Spot, your team can focus on the things that matter most while staying out of harm’s way.

– Boston Dynamics

Netizens have shared multiple cases of robot dogs being used for profit. However, since robot dogs are guided by artificial intelligence, there are multiple concerns, as robot dogs are given the power to make life-or-death choices without human supervision in many situations.

However, many netizens believe that it is no different from using drones to create amazing light shows or record performances, scenery, etc. However, drones are also commonly used in warfare.

Also, a VCR in front Yeonjun‘s performance has been criticized for using AI (artificial intelligence) to create music and images, another aspect that makes the world seem increasingly dystopian. Read more below.

TXT’s ‘MAMA Awards’ VCR receives scathing reviews


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