Military employee exposes WINNER’s Mino regarding manipulation allegations

Military employee exposes WINNER’s Mino regarding manipulation allegations

Further requests were made on the day of his scheduled discharge.

WINNER’s Minowho will be discharged from military service today, revealed that he did not show up for work.

| News1

Second News about the starshe didn’t show up on his last day due to sick leave.

He probably won’t be at work today because he has a schedule.

— Military officer

Shipping He also releases more information from worker A, who states that he has rarely seen Mino.

I rarely saw Mino come to work. He never showed up at 9, but the facility adjusted his working hours to 10.

— Worker A

Worker B also shared his experience of working with Mino.

“He rarely showed up for work and on the days he did he simply wore headphones and played half-reclining.

It’s not that he didn’t show up for work in the rest area, but it was the same for the facility’s management company. He came maybe twice a week at most. I saw him 2-3 times in a month before. Usually everyone comes to work at nine, but he comes at ten. He received the privilege of celebrity.

— Worker B

When asked if he arrived at work by 10, they replied: “He would arrive around 10:30 or 11:00. He played for about 20-30 minutes. He had lunch at home because he is a celebrity.

Worker B also said he had not returned any work calls.

Everyone except Mino answered the calls, and the reason was that they said people knew Mino’s voice.

— Worker B

Even for having collected administrative notices at the post office, Mino would have been excluded due to his social phobia.

Dispatch had previously reported Mino on suspicion of military service manipulation.

A cable accuses WINNER’s Mino of suspecting he had manipulated the participation of military social service workers

With this, the Military Manpower Administration took immediate action against the allegations. However, amidst the controversy, Coach A denied the allegations regarding Mino.

Military personnel expose alleged truth behind WINNER Mino manipulation allegations


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