Lee Chaeyeon reveals agonizing MRI: Says she won’t dance for a while

Lee Chaeyeon reveals agonizing MRI: Says she won’t dance for a while

Take care, Chaeyeon!

Former IZ*ONE member turned soloist Lee Chaeyeon will go on a “dance break”, so it seems.

Lee Chaeyeon | @chaestival_/Instagram

In a series of Instagram updates, the soloist has revealed the status of her herniated disc…

| @chaestival_/Instagram

Let’s stay together, friends… Please be good.


…and commented that he won’t push himself to dance again for a while.

| @chaestival_/Instagram

It’s amazing how they haven’t had a hernia before. They worked a little.


| @chaestival_/Instagram

No more warming up like this. Although… it makes me feel really good.


While Chaeyeon promised to get back to work right away “in the new year…”

| @chaestival_/Instagram

Closed… I mean I won’t dance for a while, or something. I’ll be back on track by next year!


…fans remain worried about her, given her set schedule SBS‘S Shooting stars (also known as Kick a goal)—a show in which the soloist plays football and they wish her a moment of rest.

Screenshot from 19-12-2024 at 14:41:45
| theqoo
  • “Take care, Chaeyeon, I love watching you dance… I wish you a full recovery so you can keep dancing!”
  • “Even my favorite idols all have herniated discs… So I feel sorry for her. It must be so painful.
  • “Oh, no… take care of yourself!”
  • “Damn, that looks painful as hell.”
  • “Slipped discs and dancers go hand in hand. It must be so painful.

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