Kim Sae-Se-Se-See-Relpa YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho and media for his suffering

Kim Sae-Se-Se-See-Relpa YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho and media for his suffering

On February 16, the actress Kim Sae-Sron was tragically died at 25 years of age. In an interview with Ilgan Sports on March 9, Kim Sae-S’s father said that “demolition” cyber like Lee Jin-Ho and the indiscriminate coverage of their videos by the press caused an immense suffering for Sae-Se-Sore and his family, transforming their life into a living devil. Even now, the pain has not ended for them.

Harassment even after his disappearance

Concerned by the potential secondary damage to his family, Kim Sae-S’s father asked that all the other family members who participate in the interview were simply defined as “family”. He explained that both Lee Jin-Ho and a media journalist contacted the day after the funeral of Kim Sae-Sign.

The father of Kim Sae-Sore revealed that Lee Jin-Ho called him repeatedly, even during the funeral period, asking if it was true that Sae-Sore suffered because of him.

Lee Jin Ho

He continued, “Lee Jin-Ho asked if it was true that I said that Sae-Sore suffered because of him, as reported by Professor Kwon Young-Chan (of the Celea Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association), who visited the funeral. At the time I was too overwhelmed and I simply replied that we had talked about the funeral. I don’t feel the need to say more. But then, the next day, a journalist called and asked me for the same thing. I was still shocked, so I gave the same answer. But once you regain a little clarity, I became furious. “

Later, even a journalist contacted him, leading him to question, “How did my phone number get?”

The suffering of Sae-Sons and repeated attempts to self-harm

Kim Sae-S’s father also revealed that Lee Jin-Ho even asked for the position of his Columbarium. At the time, due to overwhelming pain, it was not even recorded that it was “that” Lee Jin-I was called.

Kim Sae-Ron’s father said his daughter tried to commit suicide after seeing the videos of Lee Jin-Ho. “Sae-Sore tried to commit suicide after seeing Lee Jin-Ho’s videos … but as his father …” He moved away, overwhelmed by pain. He also accused Lee Jin-Ho of manipulating conversations. “He says he apologized, but I think he called only to escape responsibility.”

Kim Sae Ron

Lee Jin-Ho had previously insisted on the fact that he had made videos to “help” Kim Sae-S, consulting his agency in advance. In response, his father replied, “What knowledge of Sae-S did this say this? All his true friends were trying to protect her. “

Further condemned the media, he added, “The manager Lee Jin-I mentioned was not even his dedicated manager. The mother of Sae-Sron had encountered that person only twice in passing. Still, Lee Jin-Io spraneously claims to have confirmed things through a source. The worst part is that once a video has loaded, some media copy it and reciprocate it in articles without the slightest sense of professional ethics. Do they think that driving someone to death is justified as long as a few more clicks make them? “

According to the father of Kim Sae-S, every time Lee Jin-I loaded a video, the online media flooded internet with articles based on it, causing immense anguish for his daughter.

“He suffered so much, to the point where he could barely breathe”, His father said, fighting to hold back tears. A family member added, “Every single day was hell.”

YouTuber Lee Jin-I refute the accusations relating to his videos on Kim Sae-Sign

“Yes, the drunk guide was wrong. He knew it and assumed responsibility, working in a partly time while reflecting. But the media twisted everything, calling it a “part-time cosplayer” and deriding it. It was too cruel. “

They recalled a devastating moment: “Lee Jin-Ho uploaded a video in which he called Sae-Sign and sarcastically he questioned himself whether to change his number showed a real remorse. That day, he tried to take his own life. “

Kim Sae Ron

In fact, on January 8, Lee Jin-Ho published a video entitled, “Kim Sae-Sron eliminates the posts again … gone after the rumors about the wedding? I called it myself “. In the video, he composed his number and commented: “This number worked just last week, but after the recent controversy, it seems that he even changed his number. With his continuous lack of sincerity in the self-reflection and responsibility as a public personality, the public feeling towards Kim Sae-See-Sign continues to decrease.”

A month later, after his disappearance, he eliminated all his videos on her. He told Ilgan Sports that he had removed them out of respect for the deceased.

Kim Sae-Sed’s father expressed deep anger for the treatment of the media towards his daughter, condemning the idea that his silence indicated a lack of remorse. “So, if my daughter had answered his call, this would have meant that he was really reflecting, but if he did not do it, did he mean he was not? He has no idea how much pain his videos and the coverage of the media have caused them. ”

He revealed that every new video or article has pushed it further into despair, leading to multiple suicide attempts. A member of the Mourning Family added that the strangers were unable to grasp their suffering, remembering a desperate race to control Sae-So-So that also caused a car accident.

The last words of a father

The father of Kim Sae-Sign said, “What Lee Jin-Ho and the online media did was not just an attack in Sae-S, but destroyed the life of an entire family. I can never forgive them, even if the world ends. “

He also expressed concern about further victimization: “I am worried that YouTuber like Lee Jin-Ho or Media could target my family.”

Kim Saeron miniature

False voices have already started circulating. “There are videos of shorts that say that someone has opened the Sae-Se-Se-Se-Columbarium urn. There are also rumors that our family squandered the money he had earned. “

With deep pain, he concluded, “How should we respond to all this? Should we go around debunking of each piece of false news? My wife and I can endure it, but Sae-S … “ It ended, unable to continue.

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