In response to Gold medalOfficial declarations, issued on behalf of the actor Kim Soo Hyunactress Kim Sae RonThe family spoke again through the YouTube channel Garosero Research Institute.
Kim Soo Hyun’s agency releases a new official statement, directly faces Kim Sae Ron’s family
This time, the father of the late actress expressed his frustration with the actor, his agency and YouTuber Lee Jin Ho For not having yet recognized how their actions have influenced Kim Sae Ron.
In a vehement declaration, the father called the “Legally minimizing” declaration from the gold medal and clarified that the agency “He didn’t explain anything” To the deceased actress after sending a letter that asked her to reimburse ₩ 700 million krw (about $ 482,000 USD).
“Hi, this is Kim Sae Ron’s family.
We carefully examined the first declaration of the gold medal, which was clearly made and distributed with the help of a prominent lawyer of a famous law firm, with the aim of minimizing the damages for both the actor and the agency, both legally and ethically.
Their statement seemed to have been written from the point of view of a legal team, focusing exclusively on the question of the admissibility of the tests, as if in the political kingdom.
But will the public believe what has been said? Just because Kim Soo Hyun and/or the agency does not admit it, makes the letter less romantic of nature? Do you think it is right to continue pushing the narrative that the legal team invented? Even after seeing the letter?
Even the part of having repaid the financial obligations of Sae Ron and that he has written it as a loss, is clearly written from the point of view of the legal team, ignoring the broader context.
Has the gold medal intended for a cause or a relationship for embezzlement against Kim Soo Hyun or the CEO Lee Sa Rang? This is why the Agency has sent a legal notice to SAE Ron who asks that the ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ ₩ $ 700 million of KRW (approximately $ 482,000 USD) be reimbursed in 13 months, threatening to cause?
Raising an absurd speech of “embezzlement” that makes those actions right. So please stop playing these childish games. None of the gold medal reached Sae Ron and told her that she was not surprised. Nobody told her that the legal notice was part of a legal process that the agency was following.
When Sae Ron received the notice, he tried to contact each of the agency representatives. Nobody replied. Sae Ron continued to reach to check if it was the decision of Kim Soo Hyun or that of the agency. “
– Kim Sae Ron’s father
The father then continued to reveal more details on how invasive Lee Jin I have in his videos (which have been removed since then). According to the father’s declaration, Lee Jin I have accused Kim Sae Ron of mistreating the staff he worked with. Confutting this, the father observed that all his former co-protagonists, the staff and knowledge on the set came to say goodbye, unlike Kim Soo Hyun and the gold medal that never participated in the wake.
Korean stars cry the disappearance of Kim Sae Ron
“After being ignored indefinitely, Sae Ron published the photo [of her and Kim Soo Hyun] To trigger a sort of response. Still, YouTuber Lee Jin Ho has made fun of publishing a video with a miniature reading: “The real reason why the actress Kim Sae Ron is unleashed”. In the video, Lee Jin I asked “what’s going on with her? Why is he causing so many controversies?
What he did is comparable to someone who breaks and enters a house, makes a mess and then asks: “Why is this house so disordered?” Only a mentally disturbed person would do such a thing.
Lee Jin I also said that adequate education and personal development was missing from Sae Ron because he had learned social interactions through screenplays and shooting sets starting as a young man. That’s right, he denied the existence of his normal and stable family.
He also had accusations on her using a vulgar language and mistreating the helpless staff, defining her behavior a perfect example of a plane actress on a power trip.
How did Lee Jin, as a journalist, have not checked one of these statements? Instead, he continued to live his personal opinions, which then were all transformed into news articles. Who brought Lee Jin I have a journalist like this? Is it not what lacks basic human decency and empathy for others?
During the wake of Sae Ron, many people from the Korean film and theater participated, including assistants directors of his past projects, body guards of his appearances on the stage and countless staff members who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes through various opportunities.
On the contrary, none of the gold medal participated, although Sae Ron is one of the founding members and the first actress to be signed under the agency.
I would gladly connect to the people in the sector who participated in the SCIA. Would you like to interview them? “
– Kim Sae Ron’s father
Further slamming the journalist transformed into a young man as non -ethical, the father asked Lee Jin I have that “The Close acquaintance” Who mentioned as the source in her videos on the deceased actress. The long statement ended with the father who asked Lee Jin I have if he would be proud to show his work to his parents, wife and children and relatives.
“Another video that Lee Jin I has published was entitled” Kim Sae Ron Works Cafe Job in tears: because his sincerity has been questioned. “
Lee Jin I said he discovered where Sae Ron worked, insisting on the fact that the possibility that she really worked was low. He also said that none of his acquaintances knew about coffee work. He said, while everything is his speculation and nothing is confirmed, that Sae Ron was constantly in the middle of the scandals because he is letting himself go and celebrate his time after having lived a limited life for money and fame.
I just want to know, who were the acquaintances you talked about with?
Sae Ron had no explanation of why he was working on a job. Perhaps the acquaintances who did not find in reality were not close to Sae Ron at all and had no idea because he did not tell him. But I have the feeling that he didn’t talk to anyone and “acquaintances” are he and his friends.
In fact, a journalist from Sports world It happened to see Sae Ron working on coffee and then admitted to Channel a’s Good morning Program that initially were distorted based on Lee Jin Ho’s incorrect article.
Know only that Sae Ron was trying to go on with his life, regardless of those who said what on TV.
Has your family earned peace and luck by framing it as a liar?
Lee Jin I also said, during his broadcast, that Sae Ron published the photo with Kim Soo Hyun to boast of his past success, since Kim Soo Hyun was seeing a great success with his drama K. He said he must have been for the desire to seem still relevant while he was out of the spotlight to reflect on her [DUI] accident.
He also continued to say, “Kim Sae Ron seems to have published the photo in a moment of impulsiveness and instability. He expressed regret for his actions through mutual knowledge. “ Who is this knowledge of hers?
He had a reason to publish that photo. After being ignored over and over again by the gold medal following the legal notice, he made the choice as a last resource. Those who knew her understood her reason.
So who is exactly this “knowledge” This obviously does not know anything about the situation? Is it a imaginary knowledge of Lee Jin I have? What part of Lee Jin’s statements do I actually align with the truth?
After all those videos, after all the things he said … who would believe that Lee Jin I was trying to help Sae Ron? Would his family and children believe him? Would he be willing to show his videos to his parents, watching them in the eyes and saying that he was honestly trying to help? Can interview them and ask if they think that what he did was the right thing? “
– Kim Sae Ron’s father
Previously, the BereaVeds have announced that they will sue Lee Jin I have for defamation, despite his apologies. To find out more:
The family of the deceased actress Kim Sae Ron will sue YouTuber Lee Jin I have for defamation