JYP Entertainment criticized for the serious state of the dormitories

JYP Entertainment criticized for the serious state of the dormitories

The current state of JYP EntertainmentThe dormitory of the new group of boys threw fans in disorders. Kickflip is currently using the dormitory that has been handed down by Stray childrenAND Xinari heroes.

The dormitory is old, but it is larger than most of the newly built houses these days. With old houses, a burst of problems arrives. The state of the dormitory has been revealed in a recent live streaming. The boys shared that the hydraulic system was a big problem, always with losses. The boys also complained of cockroaches.

The hydraulic system in Kickflip’s dormitory broke out, so they said that Juwang’s clothes went. F*CK, but Kyehoon said it was good as it acts as a humidifier.

– The East flower

According to reports, the loss problem existed from the time of Stray Kids. Not only that, but their heater was spoiled, bringing the boys to not be able to shower in hot water.

The boiler in Kickflip’s dormitory is spoiled, sigh. The hot water does not flow and their entire veranda is flooded. What to do, f*ck.

– mj1loves2

South Korea is still experiencing winter. With poor structures, the boys have to freeze.

What happens with Kickflip’s dormitory? Their veranda is facing an intense frost, their window has collapsed and their boiler is ruined so that they had no hot water for two weeks.

– Kuria_311

The Netizen called the company for not having arranged the place, although they recognized that the dormitory itself must be precious in terms of size and position.

| Theqoo
  • The house that stray children lived in 8? Wow, it seems that they still have that house.
  • I was shocked to watch Day6 dormitories before they moved. I thought they were quite famous, but they still lived in a tamo with yellow wooden floors. I thought the company should have treated idols better since they earned so much.
  • I think they are still using it because the location is good and it is great, but please adjust it.
  • It is as sad as they did not have hot water.
  • The location is really good and it is great, so they are using it as a dormitory, but it is a little old … please adjust it.

Although the dormitory has not been revealed by Kickflip, you can glimpse it since the stray children remained in it 7 years ago!


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