Jang Geun-Suk reveals that he stopped drinking alone to resist contacting his ex

Jang Geun-Suk reveals that he stopped drinking alone to resist contacting his ex

In the episode of February 23 of the JTBC variety show “please take care of my refrigerator”, Jang Geun-Suk appeared alongside the actress has Ji-Won.

During the show, he spoke of his habits to drink, explaining, “I prefer to have fun drinking rather than too indulgent. I don’t know my exact limit because I have never been really drunk. If I drink too much, I get tired a little and go to sleep. “

When he was asked more that he ever drank, Jang Geun-Suk recalled a session of extreme drinking with the Choo Sung-Hoon broadcaster. “There was a time when I drank 12 bottles of wine with Choo Sung-Hoon in Roponti. At some point, I saw him swim on the street, which really shocked me. “

Jang Geun Suk
Jang Geun Suk

To check his story, Jang Geun-Suk called Choo Sung-Hoon during the broadcast. Choo Sung-Hoon confirmed, “Yes, I drank a lot of wine and ended up swimming. But I wasn’t alone, there was a friend who was swimming with me. We had fun, but in reality we were not going on. “ Then he joined, jokingly, “Honestly, Jang Geun-Suk cannot manage alcohol as I can.”

Jang Geun-Suk, refusing to get back, replied, “I think he has just dreamed of that part. I saw everything. ” He has Ji-Won, observing the exchange, laughed and said: “It seems that he doesn’t want to admit it.”

Jang Geun-Suk also confessed why he decided to stop drinking as a soloist. “I was afraid to end up calling my ex -girlfriend for no reason. Asking “are you sleeping?” It would be strange, right? “ However, he insisted, “I don’t see it as a habit of drinking, it is only love that is not yet finished.”

Hearing this, he joked Mc Ahn Jung-Hwan, “You must have made that mistake before, which is why you stopped drinking alone.”

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