Ive Yujin confesses that he feels uncomfortable in making daring choreography in front of young fans

Ive Yujin confesses that he feels uncomfortable in making daring choreography in front of young fans

He made the decision to change it for children.

As one of the best group of fourth generation k-pop girls, Ive It boasts a powerful fan base and a significant part of it are children and teenagers. Although artists often face a challenge in balanced their art and satisfying the young demographic of their fans’ base, Ive managed to do it well. According to a recent anecdote shared by YujinMuch could be due to the personal meaning of the members of the members.

Ive | KBS

February 7, KST, I appeared The seasons: rainbow of Lee Young Ji As a special guest and shared some stories behind. When the conversation passed to the recent world tour of Ive, Lee Young Ji asked if they tried to create similar to diva moments to appeal to their younger fans.

Elementary school children and young children like cute things. If they like something that means that it is really nice … don’t you like showing moments similar to diva on stage (for them)?

– Lee Young Ji

In response, Yujin shared an anecdote when he changed his performance to satisfy his younger audience. “I once made a slightly daring performance wearing revealing clothes “, He recalled, adding that after the show, he went to greet the members of the public one by one, just to realize that many of them were children.


Yujin continued, “That night, I thought of myself: “I really need to show such a bold aspect to these young children?” So I saw the choreography. “ So he broke the entire room praising, saying: “A good influence? “

Read more about Ive’s music and their last return here:

The song of the title of Ive “Attitude” receives contrasting reactions

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