Currently starring in tvN’s Saturday-Sunday drama “When the Stars Gossip,” Lee Min-ho plays Gong Ryong, an obstetrician-gynecologist who appreciates the sanctity of life. You play the role of a space tourist who, after paying 70 billion KRW, boards a spaceship for a secret mission entrusted by the MZ Group.
Lee Min-ho impressively portrays the duality of his character, seamlessly switching between the gravitas of a doctor and the unpredictable charm of a space tourist. His versatile performance attracted the attention of foreign media.
The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), Sing Tao Daily (Hong Kong), Singapore’s renowned newspaper Lianhe Zaobao (via its online platform and online media outlet HELLOKPOP have all expressed their keen interest in the drama and its main actor. , highlighting Lee Min-ho’s evolving acting skills.
In particular, HELLOKPOP praised Lee Min-ho for his continued growth since his debut.”He constantly pushed the boundaries of his art” and praised him for solidifying his status as a Hallyu star by taking on “unique and inspiring characters“.
Lee Min-ho, who continues to captivate both domestic and international audiences, presents a one-man show in “When the Stars Gossip.” He manages to balance his character’s respect for life as a doctor with the irresistible charm of a curious space tourist, adding depth and charm to the drama.
Meanwhile, “When the Stars Gossip,” starring Lee Min-ho, follows the life of Boss Eve, who works on a zero-gravity space station, and Gong Ryong, an uninvited guest with a secret mission. The drama airs every Saturday and Sunday at 9.20pm KST on tvN.