Recently, Ian, a member of the latest female group of MS Entertainment, Hearts2hearts, has faced the accusations of being a school bully. While the Netizen remain doubts when several alleged former classmates came to defense of Ian, another problem emerged as regards the female idol.
In particular, a pre-debut post on social media if Ian has become the city’s speech for a not so positive reason. In particular, while the photo itself does not take concern, showing only to Ian next to her friend, it was said that the caption contains skilled connotations.
The caption in question, which reads “장애인 장애인” (Jangae-in), can be translated into “two disabled”. This is a common term often used to refer to people with disabilities and some Korean students would use it as a joke to hit their friends alone. However, while the meaning itself is not offensive, many Netizen find the use of the word, especially by people without disabilities, to be skilled.
So far, some have left comments criticizing Ian. However, some came to the defense of women’s idol, stating that Ian’s friend may have been writing the caption, he did not. In the end, the Netizen who originally published the photo eliminated him alone and clarified the reason behind this action.
“I eliminated the post on the” disabled “caption at the moment. When I was given for the first time, I did not verify if Ian or her friend was publishing, so I think it would be better to eliminate the post for now. I apologize for not taking this at the beginning and contacted the person who sent me the post for more information. I will reveal full truth when they answer me “The person wrote.
On the other hand, Sm Entertainment did not respond to the accusations of Ian who is a school bully and this new “skilled” statement.