Hyunbin shares how his love story began

Hyunbin shares how his love story began

They fit together so well!

December 18, actor Hyunbin appeared on tvN‘S Take the block quiz and shared stories about his wife, Son Yejin, and his next film, Harbin.

| tvN

His appearance on the show was also significant because it was his first talk show appearance in 13 years.

| tvN

When asked how it all started with Son Yejin, she told all about their love story.

“It’s a little ambiguous to say when we started because we had a lot of conversations while doing some projects together. Even after the project ended we stayed in touch, so I think it happened naturally.

There were times when we met personally, for commercial shoots and for many other things, so it became like that.”

— Hyunbin

She also touched fans’ hearts as she spoke lovingly about her son.

“I spend a lot of time with my son and try to adapt my schedule with him. Even before coming here he had a bit of a fever, so I kept thinking about it.

Having a child, you can’t explain it in words. He just turned two and looks more like his mother.

— Hyunbin

What a truly loving family!

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