How dangerous was the disease that killed Barbie Hsu? From the family trip to the funeral in 5 days

How dangerous was the disease that killed Barbie Hsu? From the family trip to the funeral in 5 days

From the family trip to death in 5 days

On February 3, Barbie Hsu’s younger sister, Dee Hsu, revealed that her sister had suddenly died in Japan.

It is known that before his disappearance, Barbie Hsu had contracted the flu and subsequently developed complications of pneumonia.

The details of his disappearance are as follows:

  • On January 29, Barbie Hsu’s family traveled to Japan, but the actress already felt bad. They visited a hot spring, but Barbie Hsu remained sick
  • On January 31, Barbie Hsu was admitted to a small Hakone hospital
  • On February 1st, the actress was transferred to a large Tokyo hospital, but her conditions have not improved
  • On February 2, Barbie Hsu died

The Netizen who learned of this were deeply shocked, with some believing that the actress’s family was too ignorant, especially because Barbie Hsu felt already bad.

The flu (the flu) is a contagious viral infection that attacks the respiratory system. According to Dr. Truong Huu Khanh, epidemiologist and former head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Neurology of the Pediatric Hospital I A Ho Chi Minh City, cases in which the influence brings to pneumonia are relatively rare. However, the risk increases for some groups, including pregnant women, small children, elderly people and immunocompromised and those with underlying health conditions. If the lung related to the flu is not treated in time, it can be fatal.

The flu symptoms can often be exchanged for the common cold, since they include a nose that colas, sneezing and sore throat. However, while colds develop gradually, the flu symptoms tend to appear suddenly. The symptoms of common influence include: fever over 38 ° C, muscle pain, chills, headache, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, sore throat.

In most cases, the flu is mild and is resolved within 2 ~ 7 days. However, for children, the elderly and individuals with chronic conditions such as heart and lung diseases, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, anemia or weakened immune systems, the disease can progress more seriously, increasing the risk of complications and even death .

Dr. Khanh observed that the pneumonia caused by the flu has symptoms such as: breathing difficulties, lack of breath, persistent high fever that lasts more than five days. For such cases, immediate medical intervention is needed.

How to prevent influence?

The flu is caused by the flu virus, which changes constantly, leading to new strains. It spreads rapidly and can cause outbreaks.

Barbie HSU

The influence is transmitted through respiratory droplets in the air and through direct contact with infected saliva or nasal secretions when an infected person takes over or sneezes.

To proactively prevent the seasonal influence, the Department of Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health recommends the following:

  • Keep personal hygiene, cover your mouth when you sneeze, wash it frequently with soap and clean water and rinse the nose and throat with saline solution every day.
  • Keep the body hot and keep a nourishing diet to strengthen immunity.
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with patients with influence or individuals suspected of having the flu.
  • Request medical care immediately if symptoms such as coughs, fever, nose that cola, headache and fatigue occur.
  • Made vaccinating against seasonal influence, since vaccination is the most effective preventive measure. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends annual flu vaccination.

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