Hanni di Njz (Newjeans) speaks in the recent Instagram update

Hanni di Njz (Newjeans) speaks in the recent Instagram update

He is imploring Ador and Hybe to stop molesting it.

During the first interrogation for NJZ (Newjeans) AND I loveThe case on the validity of their exclusive contract revealed the presumably canceled CCTV movie.

Njz (Newjeans) members appear in court for the first round of interrogations compared to Ador

The movie shows three YOU members bow to Hanni in the corridor. However, since there was no audio, it was difficult to know if Illit’s manager had commissioned them to ignore Hanni, as he claimed.

Ador reveals CCTV movies of Thu Greetings of NJZ Analysis, contesting Hanni’s previous statements

Previously, Hannic said that a manager of another group (later confirmed that he was analysis) told them to “ignore” Hanni.

Illit accused of being Hybe Group in charge of ignoring Hanni of Newjeans

More recently, Hanni expressed his thoughts after the hearing through a Instagram history.

| njz_offial/Instagram

I remember everything clearly. I was about to say something in court, but I kept it. How can you take a part of a conversation and move its meaning to benefit your point of view when I wrote that message? While you present yourself as a company that wants the best for us. Please stop molesting me Ador and Hybe.

– Hanni

He then published another story expressing that he will not hold back if more hypotheses will continue.

Screenshot 2025-03-07 afternoon 5.14.01
| njz_offial/Instagram

I have a lot to say, but I have held simply because I don’t see the need to intensify this bigger problem than it is already. But if you think you have the audacity to make even more false hypotheses on us, then you already have … then I will not be silent.

– Hanni

Meanwhile, Njz’s legal representatives have also called Hybe for discrimination compared to other artists.

Legal representatives call Hybe for the unfair treatment of the NJZ compared to other label artists

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