Han Hye-Jin shares a fun and unexpected story of sleeping in the same bed with Hwasa

Han Hye-Jin shares a fun and unexpected story of sleeping in the same bed with Hwasa

On March 5, a new video entitled “Han Hye-Jin X Hwasa | Can you be Yeo-Eunpa (Girls Secret Party) this year? | Night Girls’ Night, ideal types, dating tarot cards, Ye-Eunpa behind the scenes, Hwasa North America Tour“It was loaded on the” Narae-Sik “YouTube channel.

In the video, while drinking with older women, Hwasa said, “You are all people who really respect and I really love”, And Han Hye-Jin has made fun of, “It’s drunk.” Park Na-Ra therefore asked, “Hwasa, you are close to elderly women. Who is your favorite UNI? “ To which Hwasa replied awkwardly, “I can’t choose only one.”

Han Hye-Jin remained in, “Sland Jeest”, But the Na-Ra park intervened, saying, “No, he stayed at Han Hye-Jin’s house.”

Hwasa clarified, “I was a lot at Hun’s house, but I was only at Hye-Jin Unes for shooting”, And the Na-Ra park replied, “But Hye-Jin UNI was shocked because he never let me sleep in his bed. He can’t sleep if someone is next to her. “

Han Hye-Jin then confessed, “That’s not it. I can’t sleep if there is a woman next to me, only if there is a man or none “, Making everyone laugh.

Han Hye-Jin Hwasa

Park Na-Ra continued, “But I was grateful because when Hun moved, he made me a bed. When you open the door to the small room, the bed falls. The size of the bed was perfect only for me, so I said: “Han Hye-Jin Unni did this for me”. But the next thing I know, we spent a night together and slept together. I have known it for 9 years, but we have never happened it. “

Hwasa apologized, saying, “I didn’t know at that moment. I only discovered later that Hye-Jin Unni cannot sleep with someone next to her. He said he couldn’t sleep a wink that night. “

Han Hye-Jin revealed, “I couldn’t do it. He was naked and blocked in the back, so I couldn’t sleep “, and Hwasa replied, “Not completely. Just a shirt. Huns was like my bamboo cushion “, Making everyone laugh.

Finally, Han Hye-Jin added, “That night, I had some crisis with my sexual identity”, Which made you laugh even more.

The candid and playful conversation left everyone in laughter, showing the strong bond and humor shared between the two celebrities.

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