(G) I-Tled Yuqi has the back tattoo after breaking up with her boyfriend?

(G) I-Tled Yuqi has the back tattoo after breaking up with her boyfriend?

Recently, a video entitled “(G) -dle means something” spicy “a cube ent! | Stella! Cooking show” was released on the “Pixid” YouTube channel. The video, which presents (g) the members of I-Tele Soyeon and Yuqi, attracts attention while the two reveal various anecdotes.

During the episode, Yuqi and Soyeon prepared the pork bacon skipped in a spiced building and, while cooking, Soyeon asked for the meaning of the dog’s tattoo on Yuqi’s back.

Yuqi – Soyeon – (g) Idle – Cube Ent! | Star! Cooking Show (Source: Pixid)

To this, Yuqi jokingly replied, “I took it after a break with my boyfriend” What surprised Soyeon. However, he later explained that the comment was a joke and shared that his tattoo symbolizes a time when he felt down.

In particular, Yuqi explained, “I was really fond of Welsh Corgis because of their short legs. Unlike other dogs that can take giant steps, I felt like I move slowly, step by step, during a period when my self -esteem was low. “

In the meantime, (G) I-Tolele has actively promoted since he renewed their contracts with Cube Entertainment last year.

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