On January 20, Kanon Aoki uploaded a video to his personal channel. In the video, he accused a Fuji TV executive of making sexually harassing comments and asking for kisses.
Recalling his experiences, Aoki said: “(The Fuji TV executive) treated sexual harassment of women as routine. I resisted once, but after being persistently approached for 2-3 weeks, I found myself in a situation where I couldn’t refuse.“He further revealed:”He would show me inappropriate photos of himself with famous female celebrities to show off his power. As the requests for kisses and inappropriate touching increased, I began to lose my mental stability.“
While refraining from revealing the name of the perpetrator in the video, Aoki explained that this was due to concerns for his personal safety, asking for understanding. He added that his purpose in speaking was to expose the distorted realities within the industry.
This is not the first time Fuji TV has faced allegations of misconduct. Before Aoki’s revelations, allegations of forced sexual favors within Fuji TV had already caused a stir. On January 16, Japanese media outlet Shukan Bunshun reported that a Fuji TV anchor had narrowly avoided being forced to provide sexual favors to a celebrity.
According to the report, the announcer revealed: “Through Programming Director A, I was almost forced to provide sexual favors to a male celebrity.The celebrity in question was presumed to be Nakai Masahiro, a leading figure in Japanese entertainment, sparking widespread shock.
The consequences of these accusations have been serious. By January 20, Fuji TV faced an advertising boycott from more than 15 companies, including Toyota, Nissan and Seven & I Holdings.