Once he trained in such a room.
Anyone who recalls the practical rooms of the cloud that have practically become a brand Smeniorinment What about a distinctive K-Pop sign?
Many groups from Exo…
…TO Generation of girls…
… and plus all dance videos filmed with this iconic background.
The cloud rehearsal room soon became a memory of the past when smeniorinment moved and obtained new evidence.
Fans of the groups and the company were pleasantly surprised when a member of the C-pop group RED He posted a photo from their rehearsal room.
Red is a group below Chromosomal entertainment groupa company created by Exo‘S Position. Lay was one of those who practiced in the practical room of the clouds.
While many were happy to see that it still seems to bring a piece of the company with them …
It really wants that we remember its roots frame read https://t.co/suvkzslebn
– AIE || 🍀🥬 (@AASSSF_) March 7, 2025
… others stressed that this may not be true since the girls are currently on pause.
It’s the hoax please! ths gurl exit and take a random photo. Trust me, CEG does not have the background of the blue cloud. If you see often trainee/idols you will know there. Then pls break down the disinformation 🥰🙏 https://t.co/lcb2sqmmm
– 𝐎 𝐭 𝐡 𝐢 SHELL⋆ (@oteotebakwan) March 7, 2025
Whatever it is, seeing tradition switching to new generations of idols is an encouraging show!