Empty seven -empty seventeent places: bad popularity or bad management?

Empty seven -empty seventeent places: bad popularity or bad management?

Seventeen, one of the most successful K-pop groups, recently faced an unexpected debate after the images of empty seats during their fans’ meeting event, 2025 “seventeen in the carat”, circulated online. The event, which was held on March 20 and 21, intended to celebrate the link between seventeen and their dedicated fan base, Carats, has now become a topic of heated discussion.

According to Pleis Entertainment, the tickets for the event were sold out during the pre-sale Fan Club, not leaving tickets available for general sale. However, various images emerged, showing the place with visible empty seats, leading some netizen to hypothesize whether Seventenen’s popularity is decreasing. The comments that question their global domain have emerged, with some he wonders if the group’s sales power of the group had weakened.

However, many fans quickly defended the group, citing out of concerts sold out and huge album sales as proof that their fan base remains strong. In addition, empty seats can be explained by the bad management of ticks sales. According to some Netizen, many places, which have been originally exhausted, suddenly became available to be purchased only one day or a couple of days before the event, making many fans, in particular the international ones unable to participate due to last minute availability.

This is probably due to the ticket office sites in Korea, in which buyers are able to cancel tickets for a certain date for a complete refund and will continue to obtain a percentage of the cost. This function is therefore exploited by ticket retailers, who would claim tickets, making fans unable to buy and then release these tickets after trying to sell them until the last minute.

Seventeen empty seats in Fanmeeting
Seventeen empty seats in Fanmeeting

The situation of seventeen -year -old fanmeeting therefore becomes a hot topic, since the Netizen discuss with reserves of the problem of booting tickets in Korea. Below are some comments by Netizens:

  • The ticket office sites do not show available places, but retailers are only clinging to tickets, creating empty points. In the meantime, the real fans are forced to climb the last minute cancellations, spending a whole month in resale, just to end up in seats causes, while the fantastic floor places remain empty … seriously, I would like all the retailers to vanish.
  • This situation of reduction of the ticket is seriously messed up
  • The stages that have purchased the empty seats and canceled them at the last minute must be sued for the obstruction of business
  • I understand that a flexible system is needed, but in cases like this, there should be a solution to prevent steps or allow the loco fans to fill the empty seats.

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